Ron Coleman: 2022 Visionary Award recipient
Published by Joan Lowell on Oct 13, 2022
Dear Feeding Matters Supporters,
It is with great pleasure that I announce Feeding Matters has selected Ron Coleman as the 2022 Visionary Award recipient. This award has been established by Feeding Matters’ Founder and Emeritus Board Member, Shannon Goldwater, to recognize individuals who have exhibited passion and commitment to help further advances in pediatric feeding disorder.

Ron Coleman and the Ingebritson Foundation have been integral supporters of Feeding Matters from its inception and are cornerstones to the success Feeding Matters has seen to date. The Ingebritson Foundation has focused on serving organizations who assist the most vulnerable including a focus on children’s causes. Those efforts led them to become deeply acquainted with and strong initial supporters of Feeding Matters during its infancy stages. Ron was a leader, supporter, and strategic thought partner for Shannon Goldwater as well as the organization’s founding CEO, Chris Linn. This connection continues to this day and has only strengthened over the past 15 years.
The selection committee for the Visionary Award is a group of community leaders who annually select and honor individuals who are exemplary leaders, community servants and most importantly, who have been instrumental in contributing to the work Feeding Matters is doing to ensure a world in which children with pediatric feeding disorder thrive.
As a past recipient of the Visionary Award and Board Member of the Ingebritson Foundation, I have seen firsthand Ron’s dedication to his community and support of causes like Feeding Matters and I am honored to present this award to Ron Coleman. This award gives all of us an opportunity to honor Ron Coleman for the community hero he is.
Ron Coleman will be honored as part of the Feeding Matters’ 10th Annual Community event, held virtually, November 4, 2022. The event attracts 800+ guests, including families impacted by pediatric feeding disorder (PFD), business and community leaders, sponsors, executives, politicians, and healthcare professionals who serve children with PFD.
The event is free to attend with a call for donations. Proceeds from the event benefit Feeding Matters and its mission to further advances in pediatric feeding disorder by accelerating identification, igniting research, and promoting collaborative care for children and families.
You can help make this honor memorable for Ron by attending the event. If you are unable to attend, I would encourage you to consider making a donation in support of Ron’s achievement.
Thank you for your support and we look forward to seeing you at the 2022 Feeding Matters Annual Community event.
Joan Lowell
2018 Feeding Matters Visionary Award Recipient