PFD Alliance Call for Leaders

Feeding Matters’ Pediatric Feeding Disorder Alliance provides an opportunity for participation in education, research, advocacy, and family support initiatives to advance the system of care for pediatric feeding disorder (PFD). We host an Open Call for Alliance leadership and committee placements one to two times a year and also welcome applications throughout the year. Unfortunately, we are often not able to accommodate all interested persons, but we will carefully consider all applicants.

Please consider serving as a Feeding Matters skill-based volunteer and download the PFD Alliance app to stay connected. We value your interest and appreciate your willingness to serve the pediatric feeding community.

The 2024 Open Call closes on May 31, 2024, with all applicants notified by the end of June.

Please direct questions to:
Jen Lambert, M. Ed.
Senior Director of Community Engagement, Feeding Matters

Apply today

Open call closes on May 31, 2024, with all applicants notified by the end of June.

Current PFD Alliance Committees

All committees are open to both healthcare professionals and families, with the exception of the Family Advisory Council, which is only open to family members.

Conference Committee:
Meets monthly to determine the conference agenda by reviewing and scoring submitted abstracts; choosing invited session topics and selecting the keynote speaker; works collaboratively to plan and execute a multi-disciplinary evidence-based conference agenda, ensures that educational opportunities are of the highest quality for attendees and shares insights and experiences to raise awareness of PFD. Attendance Requirement: 10 meetings are held during a 10-month planning cycle. Members are required to have 80% attendance at meetings and the ability to volunteer either in-person or virtually during the 2025 conference.

Shannon Goldwater Summit for Change Committee:
Meets monthly to plan and ultimately deliver an evidence-based interactive learning event highlighting the family’s voice and the collaborative efforts needed to effectively manage and treat pediatric feeding disorder; creates a family centered agenda incorporating collaboration, innovation and inclusivity; determines panelist speakers and ensures quality programming for the community.Attendance Requirement: 10 meetings are held during a 10-month planning cycle. Members are required to have 80% attendance at meetings and the ability to volunteer either in-person or virtually during the 2025 conference.

Family Advisory Council:
Advises Feeding Matters and the PFD Alliance on how to more effectively meet the needs of families navigating pediatric feeding disorder (PFD) – providing feedback on proposed policy, programs, initiatives, and strategic planning.

Committee Roles

Inclusion Representative:
A full active conference committee member that ensures that diversity in all domains of PFD (medical, nutrition, psychosocial and skill) are represented, population demographics are appropriately reflected in the educational program, and considers ways to make diverse participants feel welcome and able to contribute to the 2025 International Pediatric Feeding Disorder Conference. They also promote awareness, engagement, and community building around diverse experiences and keep the committee accountable to improving engagement and representation of underrepresented groups and disciplines. If the inclusion lead is unable to attend a meeting, they will let the committee lead and FM staff know at least one week before the meeting so that the FM staff can make the necessary arrangements.

Scheduling Coordinator:
A full active conference committee member who determines meeting frequency with conference committee lead and Feeding Matters, schedules monthly conference committee meetings with committee (either at each meeting or utilizing a doodle poll), and works with conference lead and FM staff to obtain agenda items to create and format the meeting agendas and sends to entire committee one week prior to a meeting. They also take the minutes at each conference committee meeting and edits/formats the minutes after the meeting. Minutes will then be sent to the conference committee one week after the meeting. If the scheduler is unable to attend a meeting, they will let the committee lead and FM staff know at least one week before the meeting so that the FM staff can make the necessary arrangements for minutes.

Open Positions

  • PFD Alliance Medical Director:
    The PFD Alliance Medical Director will be called on as the public face of Feeding Matters from a medical perspective (to include but not limited to; testifying, media opportunities). This person is required to be present at our quarterly executive council meetings, and attend our quarterly board of directors meetings to provide updates about the PFD Alliance and the climate of the PFD community.
  • Research Pillar Lead:
    The Research Pillar Lead will oversee the Research direction of Feeding Matters in partnership with Feeding Matters CEO, Senior Director of Community Engagement and Director of Strategic Initiatives. The pillar lead will help to select which research committees/projects the organization focuses on. This person is required to be present at our quarterly executive council meetings, our conference symposium at our in person conference in February 2025 and end of year town hall.
  • Education Pillar Lead:
    The Education Pillar Lead will oversee the Education direction of Feeding Matter in partnership with Feeding Matters CEO, Senior Director of Community Engagement and Director of Strategic Initiatives. They will help select which education projects the organization focuses on and help to determine conference committee leads. This person is required to be present at our quarterly executive council meetings, 2 pillar lead think tank meetings per year, our in person conference symposium in February 2025, and end of year town hall.
  • Family Advisory Council Co- Chair/Family Support Pillar Lead:
    The Family Advisory Council (FAC) Co-Chair will work with the current FAC chair to oversee the Family Support direction of Feeding Matter in partnership with Feeding Matters CEO, Senior Director of Community Engagement and Director of Strategic Initiatives. They will help set the Family Advisory Council goals and help guide family support programs. This person is required to be present at our quarterly executive council meetings, 2 pillar lead think tank meetings per year, our in person conference symposium in February 2025, and end of year town hall.
  • Conference Committee Chair Elect:
    The Conference Committee Chair Elect will work to support the Conference Committee Chair. This person is required to be present at monthly committee meetings and be able to meet outside those times for special projects as needed. This person should also be able to attend the in person the 2025 and 2026 conferences. The chair elect will help determine the conference agenda; work collaboratively to plan and execute a multi-disciplinary evidence-based conference agenda, and ensure that educational opportunities are of the highest quality for attendees and embody the values of collaboration, inclusion and innovation.
  • Shannon Goldwater Summit for Change Committee Chair Elect:
    The Shannon Goldwater Summit for Change Committee Chair Elect will work to support the Summit Committee Chair. This person is required to be present at monthly committee meetings and meet outside those times for special projects as needed. This person should also be able to attend the in person the 2025 and 2026 conferences. The chair elect will help to plan and ultimately deliver an evidence-based interactive learning event highlighting the family’s voice and the collaborative efforts needed to effectively manage and treat pediatric feeding disorder; promote a family centered agenda incorporating collaboration, innovation and inclusivity; and ensure quality programming for the community and embody the values of collaboration, inclusion and innovation.