Celebrate PFD Awareness Month with Us

Published by Jaclyn Pederson, MHI on May 24, 2022

Dear friends of Feeding Matters,

As you may know, we have been celebrating Pediatric Feeding Disorder (PFD) Awareness Month since May 1. In its 4th year, this month has become a huge celebration within the Feeding Matters team and community. We recognize and honor the progress we’ve made since our founding 15 years ago. But we know that there’s much more to do and this month, we ask for your help to raise awareness and reach more families in-need. 

Time and time again when a family finds our resources and community of support they breathe a sigh of relief. Relief to know that there are others out there struggling like they are, that they are not alone. Relief that they do not have to hide behind closed doors anymore. When a child is struggling with feeding, it can be very difficult for a family to talk about those struggles for fear of shame or judgement. Or, as we see in many cases, families are met with opinions from others on “how” to get children to eat, implying that a family isn’t already doing everything in their power to nourish their children.  This is one of the reasons why awareness of PFD is so important. Awareness is a means to inclusion. If enough people know what PFD is, we can begin to change the public perception when a child is on a feeding tube, needs feeding therapy, or is a “picky eater.”

You have a very important role this month in helping changing the lives of children with PFD. How many followers do you have on social media? If sharing PFD Awareness Month with your audience could help just one family find the care and support they need, wouldn’t it be worth it? It takes all of us within this community to #callitPFD and help families feel welcome, and breathe a sigh of relief. 

Thank you for helping us raise awareness of pediatric feeding disorder this month!


Jaclyn Pederson, MHI