Let’s Eat!

Let’s Eat!

Angela Mansolillo

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The causes of feeding and swallowing difficulties in children are always multifaceted, sometimes misdiagnosed, and often difficult to assess and treat appropriately. In Let’s Eat!, Angela Mansolillo―a speech-language pathologist and board-recognized specialist in swallowing disorders―has developed a menu for success in identifying and treating complex feeding and swallowing disorders in kids. In this essential pediatric resource, Mansolillo discusses the evidence for specific therapies, including oral-motor techniques, behavioral interventions, nutritional interventions, and strategies for respiratory control. Filled with a variety of easy-to use checklists, worksheets, and sample treatment plans, this book provides allied health professionals with the tools they need to: Establish the underlying etiology of the feeding disorder Manage aspiration risk Improve oral motor function Transition clients to new foods and utensils Navigate food refusal Create positive associations around eating Understand tube feeding, including types, schedules, and challenges

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