Volunteer Spotlight: Melissa Knight
Published by Feeding Matters on Nov 08, 2019
Feeding Matters Volunteer Spotlight is a monthly Q & A series that shares the stories of our growing network of change agents, the driving force behind our vision to create a world where children with pediatric feeding disorder will thrive. This month we bring you Melissa Knight.
Melissa is one of our Power of Two family coaches in Ohio. She started volunteering back in 2014 as a regular contributor to our blog where she shared her journey with her daughters and brought so many families relief and hope.
Tell us a little bit about yourself!
I am married and a stay at home mom and homeschool teacher. I was blessed with two amazing girls. I enjoy spending time with my family, watching movies, reading, cooking, arts and crafts, exercising, and teaching.
How long have you been a volunteer with Feeding Matters?
I have been a volunteer with Feeding Matters since 2014.
In which volunteer activities have you participated?
I started volunteering by writing blogs for Feeding Matters. Once some of the feeding challenges settled down in our family, I wanted to do more and I became a Power of Two coach.
What motivated you to become involved?
I was motivated to become involved with Feeding Matters because my life revolved around trying to feed my children for many years. Both of my daughters had pediatric feeding disorder, starting in infancy and continuing for at least six years each. I saw firsthand how every single day was a struggle and how people outside of our family did not understand. From that moment forward, I knew I wanted to help other parents in similar situations. I also like to help families specifically, dealing with gastroparesis as well as cyclic vomiting syndrome since those issues are close to my heart.
What has been your favorite part of volunteering with Feeding Matters?
My favorite part of being a Power of Two coach is forming a bond with the family I am coaching. Some of the families have such similar stories like our family and we form this unspoken bond of understanding one another without even finishing sentences. We both know what it is like to live this struggle and I like to show that there is hope and a purpose to all of this. I try to be a beam of light in the darkness they are feeling.
What sets Feeding Matters apart from other organizations?
Feeding Matters is a wonderful organization. I think what sets them apart from other organizations is the passion they have for making a difference. From the very top, the lovely ladies that formed Feeding Matters were touched personally by pediatric feeding disorder and it shines through in the challenging jobs they have to bring awareness. Everyone I have ever worked with has enthusiasm and passion like I have never seen before. They love their jobs and therefore they make a difference. No matter what the pediatric feeding disorder involves, Feeding Matters has so many resources to help families find the support they need.
Melissa is one of our Power of Two family coaches in Ohio. She started volunteering back in 2014 as a regular contributor to our blog where she shared her journey with her daughters and brought so many families relief and hope.

I am married and a stay at home mom and homeschool teacher. I was blessed with two amazing girls. I enjoy spending time with my family, watching movies, reading, cooking, arts and crafts, exercising, and teaching.
How long have you been a volunteer with Feeding Matters?
I have been a volunteer with Feeding Matters since 2014.
In which volunteer activities have you participated?
I started volunteering by writing blogs for Feeding Matters. Once some of the feeding challenges settled down in our family, I wanted to do more and I became a Power of Two coach.
What motivated you to become involved?
I was motivated to become involved with Feeding Matters because my life revolved around trying to feed my children for many years. Both of my daughters had pediatric feeding disorder, starting in infancy and continuing for at least six years each. I saw firsthand how every single day was a struggle and how people outside of our family did not understand. From that moment forward, I knew I wanted to help other parents in similar situations. I also like to help families specifically, dealing with gastroparesis as well as cyclic vomiting syndrome since those issues are close to my heart.
What has been your favorite part of volunteering with Feeding Matters?
My favorite part of being a Power of Two coach is forming a bond with the family I am coaching. Some of the families have such similar stories like our family and we form this unspoken bond of understanding one another without even finishing sentences. We both know what it is like to live this struggle and I like to show that there is hope and a purpose to all of this. I try to be a beam of light in the darkness they are feeling.
What sets Feeding Matters apart from other organizations?
Feeding Matters is a wonderful organization. I think what sets them apart from other organizations is the passion they have for making a difference. From the very top, the lovely ladies that formed Feeding Matters were touched personally by pediatric feeding disorder and it shines through in the challenging jobs they have to bring awareness. Everyone I have ever worked with has enthusiasm and passion like I have never seen before. They love their jobs and therefore they make a difference. No matter what the pediatric feeding disorder involves, Feeding Matters has so many resources to help families find the support they need.