Volunteer Spotlight: Gilson Capilouto
Published by Feeding Matters on Jan 01, 2020

Feeding Matters Volunteer Spotlight is a monthly Q & A series that shares the stories of our growing network of change agents, the driving force behind our vision to create a world where children with pediatric feeding disorder will thrive. This month we bring you Gilson Capilouto.
Gilson Capilouto is the chair of our 2020 International Pediatric Feeding Disorder Conference committee and member of PFD Alliance Executive Council. She has been instrumental in planning our conference education sessions and lightning talks for the past couple of years. Feeding Matters appreciates Gilson’s initiative and passion to change the system of care for children with PFD.
Tell us a little bit about yourself and what you do.
I am Professor Emerita in the College of Health Sciences at the University of Kentucky and received my Ph.D. in Motor Control and Motor Learning from the University of South Carolina. I am a certified and licensed speech-language pathologist and a Fellow of the American-Speech-Language-Hearing Association. In addition, I am Co-Founder and Chief Clinical Office for the digital health company NFANT Labs, LLC. Atlanta, GA. I am co-inventor of an FDA cleared medical device used to study issues related to neonatal sucking in preterm and sick term infants and holds four patents for my work in this area.
What motivated you to become involved with Feeding Matters?
I first became involved with Feeding Matters in 2018 in my role as a volunteer assisting with the planning of the 2019 Annual Conference. I was motivated to become involved in FM given its outstanding reputation for serving families of children with pediatric feeding disorders. I have more than 40 years of clinical experience in the assessment and treatment of pediatric feeding and swallowing disorders and for the past seventeen years have focused my clinical research on neonatal feeding.
How have you volunteered with Feeding Matters?
In 2018 I volunteered to assist with the 2019 annual conference. Currently, I serve as the Program Chair for the 2020 conference.
What has been your favorite part of volunteering with Feeding Matters?
The connections with other feeding specialists as well as the connections to families of children with pediatric feeding disorders. The conference has been a wonderful opportunity to expand my clinical knowledge by continuing to learn.
What sets Feeding Matters apart from other organizations?
FM has a commitment not only to children with pediatric feeding disorder but also the needs of families and caregivers of children with PFD and the education of professionals working in the area of PFD.