Reflecting with Gratitude

Published by Jaclyn Pederson, MHI, chief executive officer on Dec 19, 2024

Dear Feeding Matters Community,

Like many, this time of year always causes me to reflect on the past twelve months. And, like a lot of us, I often find that reflection both joyful and challenging. There’s so much to be proud of, yet it’s easy to focus on what didn’t go as planned. This is especially true for our PFD and ARFID families- the trips not taken, the milestones that didn’t get reached, and the foods that didn’t get added to the safe list.

But my hope for you this holiday season is to let go of the expectations. My hope for you this holiday season is peace.

And as I do the inevitable, reflect on the past year, I am filled with gratitude and hope for what we’ve accomplished together. Thanks to your unwavering support, Feeding Matters reached more people around the globe than ever before in our history. We took significant steps toward ensuring that PFD becomes a household name by 2026.

None of this would be possible without you—our community. Thank you for standing with us as we fight to change the landscape for children with PFD.

As you pause and reflect at the close of the year, I invite you to consider making a gift of any size to Feeding Matters. As a nonprofit organization, we rely on the generosity of people like you to continue advocating for children with PFD.

In peace and gratitude,

Jaclyn Pederson, MHI

Feeding Matters CEO

Do you live in Arizona? Feeding Matters is eligible for the Qualifying Charitable Tax Credit which allows a dollar-for-dollar tax credit for donations to Feeding Matters. This is in addition to any Arizona public or private school tax credits you may already be claiming. Learn more here.