Is this a feeding Team?


What services are offered?

Intensive Outpatient: Once or more per day for several days/week

Outpatient: Once a week or less (overnight stay not required)

Additional information:

What makes Teaching Together unique is that we come to your home to work with your family using your food and utensils. We also follow your child’s individual feeding schedule and customize therapy to their unique personality. This leads to lasting results and reduces regression between visits. We will conduct follow-up to ensure that skills are maintained and generalized to important people and places. Pediatric Feeding Therapy will begin only after the child is deemed safe for behavioral interventions by the child’s speech pathologist, gastroenterologist, and other interdisciplinary team members. After an evaluation we will recommend a course of treatment and goals. An initial intensive treatment will be conducted that will last one to three days. At this time, we will train parents and other care providers to implement the treatment plan. We will work with your child in his or her natural environment, specifically, his or her home, school, and community. Skills will be generalized to all important environments, such as school, restaurants and homes of relatives, during follow-up. Throughout treatment, we will collaborate with the child’s physicians and therapists to maximize treatment success.