Is this a feeding Team?


What services are offered?

Intensive Outpatient: Once or more per day for several days/week

Outpatient: Once a week or less (overnight stay not required)

Additional information:

At Beach Kids Therapy Center, we offer a comprehensive feeding program, which includes individual feeding therapy and feeding groups. Our therapists are trained in treating all components of feeding, including medically complex feeders.  We use a combination of the SOS Approach to Feeding and the Beckman Oral Motor Approach, while recognizing sensory sensitivities and aversions.  In addition, we offer VitalStim Therapy as a part of our feeding program and have partnered with dietitians to maximize nutritional intake.  A comprehensive evaluation is administered by an occupational therapist to determine the child’s need and then paired with a therapist that would be the best fit for that child.  We believe parents are an integral part of the feeding process and they are encouraged to be a part of our feeding sessions.  We also offer parent education and home programs to ensure carry over of acquired skills in the home setting.