May is PFD Awareness Month
Published by Jaclyn Pederson, Feeding Matters CEO on May 04, 2021
Dear Friends of Feeding Matters,
We live and breathe by the stories of our PFD community. The stories of triumph, of progress at any cost, and even the stories of lost weight or a progress plateau.
Unfortunately though, sometimes the story is that a family has found us when they have already been struggling for quite some time. While it is not too late at any point in a family’s journey to find Feeding Matters’ support, we do hope that families can find us at the start of their journey and are actively working in many ways to ensure this is the case for families.
The first couple years of our journey with PFD brought many challenges and questions that seemed to isolate us. Finding Feeding Matters brought us much-needed resources and comfort – we were no longer alone navigating PFD. Now I volunteer with Feeding Matters to bring their support to others struggling with PFD; hopefully easing journeys and perhaps improving outcomes. -Brandt Perry, Family Advisory Council Chair
PFD Awareness is key to supporting families, educating professionals, and changing the system of care. Due to this, we have decided to move PFD Awareness Month to May to bring even more recognition and impact to this issue for years to come. Therefore, this May we encourage you to follow us on social, share your own stories, and empower others to learn more about this condition that affects more than 1 in 37 children under the age of 5 in the United States each year.
This May and even June, we commend our PFD community, honor our partners, and celebrate the caregivers. So, this Mother’s and Father’s Day, we celebrate all caregivers, whoever you are. We see you – your strength, your courage, your love. We are amazed by you.
Best wishes,
Jaclyn Pederson, MHI