Community Ambassadors facilitate relationships with community members and create awareness about pediatric feeding disorder.

The Community Ambassador Program is dedicated to providing educational tools and resources to families and healthcare professionals about pediatric feeding disorder. This work is conducted through speaking presentations, one-on-one outreach, sharing resources at exhibitor tables during events, and researching potential partnerships for Feeding Matters.

Community Ambassadors serve the important role of raising awareness

and linking Feeding Matters with the community by identifying outreach opportunities to spread our mission and programs


  • Comfortable with discussing Feeding Matters’ scope of reach to families and the healthcare community regarding pediatric feeding disorder

  • Desire to promote Feeding Matters’ mission and programs

  • Professional appearance and attire

  • Organized, flexible, and on-time

  • Self-starter



  • Present information about Feeding Matters to the community at large and facilitate relationships

  • Be extremely knowledgeable and positive about the mission and programs of Feeding Matters

  • Influence community members to know more about the cause of pediatric feeding disorder

  • Identify outreach opportunities within your local community

Presentations can be virtual or in-person.

Outreach opportunities will be in your community.

Estimated Time Frame:

  • We ask that Community Ambassadors make a minimum of a one year commitment

  • Volunteer Orientation and Community Ambassador training typically takes 45 to 90 minutes

  • Community Ambassadors will be asked to complete supplemental materials to the orientation and training prior to outreach

  • Impact your community through a minimum of 1 outreach connection per quarter

  • Participate in quarterly conference calls


  • Networking opportunities and involvement in the community

  • Make an impact and bring awareness to pediatric feeding disorder

  • Reimbursement of mileage and expenses (with authorization)

  • Offer hope and insights to families, individuals, and medical professionals

  • Connect to the national network of community ambassadors to grow professionally