
The challenges and triumphs of breastfeeding with PFD: Addressing common concerns and offering expert advice

Published by Feeding Matters on Aug 12, 2024

For a function that’s so natural, breastfeeding is surprisingly difficult for many new mothers and infants. Feeding challenges, like reflux, oral aversion or even dysphagia, can make breastfeeding feel insurmountable.

And while there’s nothing wrong with relying solely on formula to feed your baby (despite the shame some natural parenting evangelists espouse online), many moms are determined to make some amount of breastfeeding work.

mother breastfeeding her child while sitting in a relaxed position

Nicole Lattanzio, RD, IBCLC can attest that breastfeeding is often possible, even in some of the most challenging cases. Working in the NICU and with virtual clients, she has supported countless moms and babies with breastfeeding and nutrition. Some simply need latching and positioning advice, but other more complex medical cases need significant support.

There are three requirements for successful breastfeeding:

  • Feeding your baby

  • Protecting the milk supply

  • Having a positive experience at the breast

For infants with feeding challenges, aligning these three goals can take time and creativity.

The most challenging and most rewarding case Lattanzio recalls was a preemie with a G-tube, feeding difficulties and significant oral aversion. Her mom was committed to making breastfeeding work. Once the infant was released from the NICU, Lattanzio helped with lactation support while a speech therapist worked on oral skills and strength. Lattanzio is also a dietitian and monitored the infant’s growth and feeding tolerance. At first, the baby didn’t have the interest or skills to transition to breastfeeding. Instead, they focused on getting the baby comfortable resting skin-to-skin.

newborn baby with feeding tube through their nose, doing skin to skin with their caregiver

They did G-tube feedings while the baby nestled skin-to-skin. Gradually, they transitioned closer to a breastfeeding position, including giving her a pacifier as the G-tube was going. Next they worked on latching with a nipple shield and used some syringes into the nipple shield. At eight months, the infant had her first full meal at the breast. “It shows that babies at almost any age can learn to breastfeed. It was so cool to see that she got through that whole process, and the mom had her full milk supply,” says Lattanzio.

Whether you want to maintain your milk supply for bottle feeding or want to breastfeed, Lattanzio offers lactation advice for moms of infants with feeding challenges.

Understanding breastfeeding challenges

Swallowing is a complicated process that when broken down into parts can seem miraculous. Expert researcher Georgia Malandraki, PhD, CCC-SLP, explains the anatomy of a swallow in a way that makes anyone appreciate why the skill can be difficult to master.

On its own, difficulty breastfeeding does not mean a child will develop pediatric feeding disorder (PFD). However, many children who do have PFD also struggle to breastfeed.

Breastfeeding challenges can vary from simple to complex, but some of the most common issues include the following:

  • Reflux

  • Aspiration

  • Oral motor dysfunction or coordination issues

  • Respiratory problems that make it difficult to coordinate sucking and breathing

  • Premature birth that causes a lack of skills

  • Oral aversion

  • Incorrect latch or positioning

  • Tongue-tie or lip-tie

How can I identify if my baby is experiencing these issues?

Signs of breastfeeding challenges may include frequent spitting up, arching of the back, irritability during or after feeds, coughing, choking, crying, pulling away or difficulty latching. Early detection and consultation with your pediatrician or a lactation consultant are key to addressing these challenges effectively.

Tips for successful breastfeeding even with feeding challenges

Not all babies with feeding challenges and medical complications will breastfeed, and that’s okay. Babies and even postpartum mothers benefit from any amount of skin-to-skin and pumped milk. Infants fed entirely by formula still get the nutrition they need to grow. Key to successful breastfeeding is a relaxed mom, so be kind to yourself as you navigate whatever works for you and your infant.

caregiver doing skin-to-skin with their baby

Following are Lattanzio’s recommendations to support breastfeeding for an infant with feeding challenges.

Try different feeding positions

An obvious place to start for breastfeeding troubleshooting is to experiment with different positions. Positioning can make a big difference for a baby who may experience some reflux, colic, or aspiration (be sure to monitor this with a clinician because this can be dangerous).

Different breastfeeding positions can help your baby latch more effectively and reduce discomfort. Some infants with reflux or aspiration challenges benefit from being held upright, where gravity can help keep milk down.

Experimenting with positions can help you find the one that works best for your baby and you, promoting better milk flow and reducing feeding difficulties.

Be patient and open to feedback

Feeding challenges can be frustrating for both you and your baby. It’s essential to be patient and give yourself time to adapt and learn what works best. Be open to feedback from lactation consultants or healthcare providers who can offer valuable insights and techniques tailored to your baby’s needs. Remember, every baby is different, and what works for one may not work for another. Patience and willingness to adjust can make the breastfeeding journey more manageable.

For Lattanzio’s mom and baby, who finally successfully breastfed at eight months, she says, “This baby was very sensitive to positioning, so it was a lot of trial and error. Mom was very patient and open to adjustments and feedback, which set them up for success.”

Leverage breastfeeding tools as appropriate

For many babies, using breastfeeding tools, like a nipple shield, can help with latch difficulties. Especially for infants with feeding challenges and medical complications, a nipple shield can provide a larger target for the baby to latch onto and help regulate milk flow, making feeding more comfortable.

caregiver feeding a baby milk through a syringe

With the support of a lactation consultant, Lattanzio has helped mother use a syringe with the nipple shield. Consult a lactation specialist to determine whether these tools suit your situation.

Don’t force your infant to breastfeed

Breastfeeding, especially when there are feeding challenges or medical complications, can take a lot of trial and error. This might mean you have a few successful sessions and your baby shows disinterest.

Insisting on breastfeeding when your baby shows some signs of stress or overwhelm can cause breast aversion. “Skin to skin is usually a nice relaxing place for babies and later try to ease back to breast,” says Lattanzio.

If that doesn’t work, get some support to reassess what’s going on instead of forcing breastfeeding.

Pump with a hospital-grade pump to maintain your milk supply

If your infant isn’t breastfeeding full-time, you’ll need to pump if you want to maintain your milk supply. This is true even if your baby has many partial feedings. “I’ve seen preterm babies who are breastfeeding okay, but they’re sleepy. That can impact the milk supply,” says Lattanzio.

bottle of freshly-pumped breastmilk with parent and baby blurred in the background

Many more convenient types of pumps, like the wearable ones, aren’t strong enough to maintain your milk supply. You’ll want to get a hospital-grade one if you’re using a pump often or exclusively. These pumps are designed to mimic a baby’s natural nursing pattern and are more efficient than standard pumps.

Initially, maintaining your milk supply means pumping eight times in 24 hours. “You can sleep for a stretch of time, but every time the baby is being fed by a bottle, you still have to pump in order to keep up your milk supply to be where it needs to be,” says Lattanzio.

Build a network of support

If nourishing an infant with feeding challenges feels challenging, that’s because it is. Your pediatrician, a lactation consultant, a dietitian and a speech therapist can all provide valuable insight to help you and your baby get what you need.

With eight feeds a day, plus pumping, feeding an infant with medical complications is literally a full-time job. Family and friends can offer practical assistance, such as preparing meals, helping with household chores and providing emotional support.

Finally, keep in mind that it’s okay if breastfeeding doesn’t work out as planned. Prioritizing your well-being as a mom means finding a feeding method that works for both you and your baby.

Sometimes successful breastfeeding means reassessing goals, says Lattanzio. “If the goal initially was exclusive breastfeeding, maybe we come to the point where it’s about finding a good middle ground where they’re comfortable, happy and it’s sustainable.”

Nicole Lattanzio, RD, IBCLC is a registered dietitian, board-certified lactation consultant, and mom of four. She works in a level III NICU in Phoenix, Arizona and runs the popular Instagram page @infant.nutritionist, where she shares about starting solids, navigating feeding challenges, tackling toddlerhood and more.

The silent struggle of PFD: Why the prevalent pediatric disorder continues to be under-diagnosed and under-discussed

Published by Amy Delaney, PhD, CCC-SLP on

For a pediatric disorder that affects 1 in 37 children under age 5 –– making it more common than autism –– pediatric feeding disorder (PFD) remains significantly misunderstood and undiagnosed. This is unsurprising in some ways, as the Pediatric Feeding Disorder: Consensus Definition and Conceptual Framework my colleagues and I authored was only released in 2019. PFD only became an International Classification of Diseases (ICD) code in October 2021.

The consensus paper and code aligned pediatric clinicians, allowing for more consistent assessment and diagnosis. Despite these advancements, gaps remain, particularly in primary care and among caregivers, who often lack an understanding of feeding progression and the potential risks for any child to develop feeding difficulties.

Helping more children earlier, whether they have PFD or signs of feeding challenges –– requires a multi-pronged approach to raise awareness, including:

  • More translational research that directly helps children and families

  • Raising awareness of PFD among primary care providers and pediatric allied health professionals

  • Clearly defined feeding milestones for transitioning to solids

  • Educating caregivers about feeding

Ensuring clinical research directly supports families

Age 6-12 months, when children transition from milk to solids, is a critical time for feeding development. Unfortunately, it’s also the least researched stage of child development. Infants change quickly in multiple, parallel ways, making research that controls for variables complicated.

baby with brown curly hair sitting in a high chair and holding a spoon up to their mouth

One important way to support early diagnosis is to improve feeding guidelines for all children, an area of focus in my Neurodevelopmental Feeding and Swallowing Lab.

Current guidelines from the American Academy of Pediatrics recommend that children begin transitioning from exclusive breast milk or formula to solid foods at 6 months and eat a variety of table foods by the time they turn one. That’s a lot of change in a short window with little direction.

We need more research to answer questions like:

  • What are the primary influencers for feeding development?

  • What are readiness skills for eating solids?

  • When should different foods and textures be safely and positively introduced?

  • What are the risk factors for children who struggle?

We have robust nutrition literature on the exact macro and micronutrients and calories children need throughout their first two years of life. However, we are behind on research that focuses on feeding skills and abilities.

To that end, I’m proud to see a new generation of scientists researching all areas of feeding.

Identifying red flags of feeding difficulties early

While research is a long game, children affected by PFD have a short window to best address developmental challenges.

Learning to chew and swallow is among children’s most complex early skills. This makes transitioning from milk to solids in the first two years, particularly from ages 6 to 12 months, the most vulnerable time for children to falter.

baby crying while caregiver attempts to put a bottle in their mouth

Because many children aren’t adequately identified for feeding difficulties until they are older, they miss the optimal window for intervention. In some cases, children most at risk for being overlooked are those considered low-risk, healthy, neurotypical children. Because they aren’t monitored for developmental challenges as closely as a premature baby, for example, early signs of feeding challenges go unnoticed. These children could potentially avoid developing PFD if identified earlier.

For example, a child who starts solids and then gets sick with a virus may have a setback in feeding development. A few times of food refusal while not feeling well can then become a habit. The caregiver often has little knowledge about how to move through solid food textures. The child misses feeding experiences, making it more difficult to introduce new foods and textures later. Early challenges or setbacks like this may not turn into a significant case of PFD, but in some cases, they do.

Following are some red flags parents may notice:

  1. Persistent coughing or gagging: Some coughing or gagging is common but frequent occurrences during meals may be signs of a problem.

  2. Stressful feeding experiences: Feeding should not be super challenging or miserable. If you dread mealtime, this is an indication of an issue.

  3. Sleepy during feedings: Especially in infants, sleepiness can signal feeding difficulties.

  4. Transition struggles: Difficulty moving from liquids to solids or new textures.

  5. Slow progress: Inability to increase food volume as the child grows.

How clinicians can raise caregivers’ awareness of feeding challenges

As with any disorder, early diagnosis leads to more positive outcomes. For those who present some early signs of PFD, identifying and addressing red flags early can even prevent a child from developing pediatric feeding disorder.

Solid foods are not one thing. A range of foods requires different skills. One way to identify more children earlier is for primary care providers to ask caregivers more direct questions about feeding instead of simply asking if a child is eating solids.

More specific questions about feeding could include the following:

male doctor smiling at child with child's caregiver standing beside him
  • What types of textures is the child eating?

  • What foods does the child eat?

  • How much can the child eat?

  • Is the amount the child eats steadily increasing?

  • How long do meal times last?

  • How much refusal occurs?

  • Is feeding a struggle?

The Feeding Matters screening questionnaire includes some of these questions to identify children who may have PFD. Asking detailed questions about early feeding habits could prevent some children from developing PFD in the first place.

Raising clinical awareness of PFD

While the past few years have brought significantly more awareness of PFD, it’s still not unusual to encounter pediatric clinicians unaware of the diagnosis.

Widespread advocacy and education are needed within and beyond the healthcare community. Pediatricians, speech-language pathologists, nurses and even early childhood professionals must have the knowledge and tools to recognize and address feeding difficulties early.

What clinicians can do to better support feeding

  1. Ask detailed questions: Inquire about specific food types and textures offered.

  2. Provide guidance: Offer nuanced advice on feeding progression and when to introduce new textures.

  3. Educate caregivers: Share knowledge about developmental milestones and readiness for new foods.

  4. Monitor closely: Pay attention to children with feeding struggles instead of encouraging a “wait and see” approach.

  5. Encourage early intervention: Identify and address feeding difficulties as early as possible to prevent escalation.

family of four smiling, with each parent giving a child a piggyback ride

Finally, clinicians must emphasize how important it is for caregivers to trust their guts. When feeding seems like it isn’t going well, it probably isn’t. That warrants discussion and perhaps intervention to adjust the child’s feeding practice.

The more we as researchers and clinicians do to understand feeding and support children and families during the transition from liquids to solids, the more children will have the opportunity for healthy, positive feeding experiences. This could reduce the prevalence of PFD and promote better outcomes for children and families.

Amy Delaney, PhD, CCC-SLP is an assistant professor at Marquette University and director of the Neurodevelopmental Feeding and Swallowing Lab. She is the education pillar chair for Feeding Matters’ PFD Alliance Executive Council. She co-authored the consensus paper creating pediatric feeding disorder (PFD) as a stand-alone diagnosis and the Infant and Child Feeding Questionnaire, an online survey developed by Feeding Matters, to identify red flags for PFD.

Adapted baby-led weaning: A game-changer for pediatric feeding disorder

Published by Jill Rabin, CCC-SLP/L, IBCLC on Aug 09, 2024

When I first introduced adapted baby-led weaning to the family of a 10-month-old girl with complex medical needs, her doctor and extended relatives were skeptical. Complications from Down’s syndrome meant she spent her first seven months in the hospital and relied on a feeding tube for nutrition.

By successfully adapting to baby-led weaning, she’s made a remarkable transition. She eats independently, enjoys family meals and no longer needs a feeding tube. While her success is life-changing, it’s an outcome I’ve witnessed countless times as a feeding therapist and founder of adapted baby-led weaning (ABLW).

ABLW is a modified version of traditional baby-led weaning for babies with motor or feeding challenges, such as pediatric feeding disorder (PFD). It follows the principles of transitioning to solid foods originally pioneered by Gill Rapley, PhD. It’’s adjusted to accommodate the needs of children with PFD, neurodivergence and/or delayed motoric capabilities.

What is adapted baby-led weaning?

overhead image of a child sitting at the table with their hands touching foods

Adapted baby-led weaning (ABLW) maintains the core principle of child-led feeding to foster motor skills and a positive relationship with food. It incorporates specific adaptations to safely use the approach for kids with additional feeding challenges. The timeline may vary depending on a child’s motor readiness, especially for kids with conditions like Down syndrome.

ABLW involves gradual progression, according to the child’s needs, and features “bridge” tools like silicone food holders and frozen straws to encourage skill development. The clinical team supporting a child with PFD should be involved with the transition to baby-led feeding.

The goal is to set kids up for a lifetime of healthier eating and enjoyment.

Starting adapted baby-led weaning for children with PFD

Most children with PFD benefit from adapted baby-led feeding. The process can take longer than typical baby-led weaning, but it eventually leads to safer eaters, who chew better and have improved digestion. ABLW helps children grow to become intuitive eaters who manage various food types –– regardless of shape, size or texture. Additionally, this approach can sometimes eradicate food aversions.

Following are some general steps to start. Each step includes many components.

Step 1: Assess readiness

Before starting, ensure your child is developmentally ready. This includes sitting with minimal support and showing interest in food. You can begin by offering teething toys.

Step 2: Choose appropriate foods

baby girl with black straight hair clapping her hands, covered in spaghetti sauce with a mound of spaghetti on her highchair tray

Begin with large, easy-to-hold foods like raw carrot strips or steak strips. If you’re just starting out, be especially careful when your child develops more hand and jaw strength. They may be able to get pieces off. When that happens, you’ll have to move away from those foods until they are older and have more evolved skill.

The goal isn’t to eat the food for nutrition or calories. Rather, it’s to practice hand-to-mouth coordination, texture and tasting. Introduce preloaded spoons with mashed foods and open-cup drinking with nectar-consistency liquids.

Step 3: Gradual progression

As the child’s skills improve, introduce foods like banana spears, cheese sticks, toast strips, waffles or pancakes. The goal is to eventually progress to small pieces of food while focusing on skill development rather than volume intake.

Do’s and don’ts of adapted baby-led weaning


  1. Work with a clinician knowledgeable about adapted baby-led weaning: tailor the approach to your child’s needs by collaborating with a feeding therapist who understands baby-led weaning.

  2. Encourage self-feeding: Let children feed themselves as soon as they’re ready to start ABLW, whether with foods or preloaded spoons.

  3. Use bridge devices: Tools like silicone feeders and frozen straws can help develop chewing skills and alleviate parental concerns.

  4. Monitor progress: Adjust the food’s shape, size and texture based on the child’s developing skills.

  5. Emphasize skill development: Focus on improving hand-to-mouth coordination and gumming or chewing to make eating a learning experience.


  1. Avoid small, hard foods: When your baby is just starting ABLW, offer big foods, like a mango pit. Small foods can be choking hazards, especially for children with motor difficulties.

  2. Don’t rush the process: Allow your child to develop independently. This approach may take longer but leads to safer and more skilled eaters.

  3. Don’t be afraid to let your child get messy: As your child explores self-feeding, adapted baby-led weaning is messy, especially in the beginning. If the mess is a struggle, try ABLW before bath time.

Common misconceptions of baby-led weaning for kids with PFD

baby wearing a bib and smiling while holding food

Myth 1: Adapted baby-led weaning is dangerous

People sometimes think baby-led weaning is dangerous because they believe it means the child eats only table foods and uses no spoons or purees. However, this is not true. Baby-led weaning means babies feed themselves from the onset. Parents might load a spoon with food and hand it to the baby, who then feeds themselves.

In the case where parents pick the wrong size and shape of food for their child’s skill level, self-feeding can be dangerous –– especially for children with feeding challenges. If done correctly with the help of someone knowledgeable, adapted baby-led feeding is not dangerous.

Myth 2: Baby-led weaning is only for typically developing kids:

Baby-led weaning can be adapted for children with feeding difficulties or neurodivergent conditions, including those who are tube-fed.

Myth 2: Babies need teeth to start baby-led weaning

Babies can gum their food effectively and safely start baby-led weaning without teeth.

Myth 3: Gagging means choking

Gagging is a protective reflex and a normal part of the eating learning process. Choking, on the other hand, is silent and requires immediate intervention.

Myth 4: Kids with NG-tubes or G-tubes can’t try ABLW

You absolutely can try ABLW for kids who have complex feeding issues, such as tube feeding or aspiration. You’ll need to work closely with experts and take precautions, such as adjusting thickness or modifying what you present. There are ways to offer different foods safely.

Some helpful baby-led feeding tools for kids with PFD

It’s hard to imagine needing to teach baby-led weaning to previous generations of parents when table food was the only option for children. Baby-led weaning is a natural and effective way to teach children self-feeding skills, while pouches of baby food and toddler-size cutlery are relatively new concepts.

Baby-led weaning can be particularly beneficial for kids with PFD, offering therapeutic benefits and fostering a more positive relationship with food. Always seek guidance from a feeding therapist, registered dietitian or doctor to ensure the approach is safe and tailored to your child’s needs.

For more information or access to adapted baby-led weaning education resources, go to Click here to see the book Rabin co-authored with Gill Rapley, the pioneer of baby-led weaning. Click here to see more helpful products for baby-led weaning.

Feeding Matters Approved for a $240,000 Engagement Award to Launch the Family-Centered Pediatric Feeding Disorder Research Consortium

Published by Feeding Matters on Feb 26, 2024

This project will focus on recruiting patient and family consortium members and leaders, training them on research fundamentals and the state of PFD research, establishing consortium governance, and then building consensus on a prioritized list of needed research for the field.

A team at Feeding Matters in partnership with University of North Carolina Wilmington has been approved for a $241,000 funding award through the Eugene Washington PCORI Engagement Awards (Engagement Awards) program, an initiative of the Patient-Centered Outcomes Research Institute (PCORI). The funds will support the launch of the Family Centered Pediatric Feeding Disorder (PFD) Research Consortium.

Jaclyn Pederson, MHI, CEO of Feeding Matters will co-lead the engagement project with Hayley Estrem, PhD, RN, Associate Professor at UNCW. Research on PFD is still considered an emerging field and while there has been great progress in recent years on the advancement of research, it still lacks the inclusion of the patient and family voice. PFD is impaired oral intake that is not age-appropriate and is associated with medical, nutritional, feeding skill, and/or psychosocial dysfunction. For these infants and children, every bite of food can be painful, scary, or impossible, potentially impeding nutrition, development, growth, and overall well-being. PFD is often a silent battle affecting more than 1 in 37 American children under the age of five annually. This prevalence surpasses that of well-known childhood conditions like cerebral palsy and autism.

This disorder places an extreme burden on parents/caregivers who must have specialized training in medical, therapeutic, and psychosocial interventions for every meal, often 5x a day or more. Despite this high level of involvement from families, they are often left behind in considering where the field of PFD is headed. Feeding Matters ensures that families always have a place at the table and aims to build a collaborative Research Consortium that will eventually be the field leader for the future of PFD research. Thanks to this new award, Feeding Matters will launch the Family-Centered PFD Research Consortium to be co-created and led by patients and families themselves. Specifically, the project will focus on recruiting patient and family consortium members and leaders, training them on research fundamentals and the state of PFD research, establishing consortium governance, and then building consensus on a prioritized list of needed research for the field.

The launch of the Family-Centered PFD Research Consortium is part of a portfolio of projects that PCORI has funded to help develop a community of patients and other stakeholders equipped to participate as partners in comparative clinical effectiveness research (CER) and disseminate PCORI-funded study results. PCORI is an independent, nonprofit organization authorized by Congress with a mission to fund patient-centered comparative clinical effectiveness research that provides patients, their caregivers and clinicians with the evidence-based information they need to make better informed health and health care decisions. Through the Engagement Award Program, PCORI is creating an expansive network of individuals, communities and organizations interested in and able to participate in, share, and use patient-centered CER.

According to Greg Martin, PCORI’s Chief of Engagement, Dissemination and Implementation, “This project was selected for Engagement Award funding because it will build a community equipped to participate as partners in CER and develop partnerships and infrastructure to disseminate PCORI-funded research results. We look forward to working with Feeding Matters throughout the course of their two-year project.”

“The core values that guide our organization: inclusivity, innovation, and collaboration are not just ideals; they are the bedrock of every initiative we undertake as we strive to advance the field of PFD. Our latest endeavor, the PCORI project, epitomizes this commitment and resonates deeply with me professionally and personally,” said Jaclyn Pederson, CEO of Feeding Matters. “At Feeding Matters, we recognize that traditional research paradigms often overlook the invaluable insights that families can provide, based on their lived experiences. The establishment of the Family-Centered PFD Research Consortium is a pivotal step forward, ensuring that our efforts are not only collaborative but also deeply rooted in respect and input from the experiences of those we aim to serve,” Pederson concluded.

Feeding Matters’ project and the other projects approved for funding by the PCORI Engagement Award Program were selected through a highly competitive review process in which applications were assessed for their ability to meet PCORI’s engagement goals and objectives, as well as program criteria. For more information about PCORI’s funding to support engagement efforts, visit this link.

About Feeding Matters

For kids with pediatric feeding disorder (PFD), every bite of food can be painful, scary, or simply impossible to swallow, potentially impeding nutrition, development, growth, and overall well-being. Yet, there is no functional system of care for PFD locally, nationally, or internationally. That’s why Feeding Matters is dedicated to creating a world where children with pediatric feeding disorder will thrive. Established in 2006, Feeding Matters is the first organization in the world uniting the concerns of families with the field’s leading advocates, experts, and allied healthcare professionals to ignite unprecedented change to the system of care through advocacy, education, support, and research – including a stand-alone diagnosis, the International Pediatric Feeding Disorder Conference, and the Infant and Child Feeding Questionnaire. In 2022, Feeding Matters reached over 240,000 individuals in 50 states and 153 countries through their programs and website. To learn more about pediatric feeding disorder, visit or follow us on Facebook, Instagram and YouTube at @FeedingMatters.

Learn more about the Family-Centered PFD Research Consortium here.

Insider insights: Preparing for your child’s G-tube journey

Published by Feeding Matters on

What to expect before and after your child’s G-tube insertion

So, you’ve finally decided to get a G-tube for your child. Arriving at this point in your child’s feeding journey can be a relief. Others may feel some regret.

Either way, says Karen Ellis, mother of a 2.5-year-old who recently got a G-tube, getting one can make life a lot easier for children with pediatric feeding disorder (PFD) and their parents. After a minor procedure, a short recovery and months of stress-free feedings, Ellis and her family are confident they made the right decision for their son.

G-tube insertion, or gastrostomy tube insertion, is a medical procedure where a tube is placed through the abdominal wall and into the stomach. This allows caregivers to deliver nutrition and medications directly into a child’s stomach. Some kids with a G-tube use it to supplement oral feeding. Others exclusively eat and drink through the device.

Learn more about the benefits for kids with PFD of G-tubes in this blog: Does your child need a G-tube? Here’s what you need to know.

Ellis’s son, Ishan, gets most of his nutrition through the G-tube. He eats and drinks orally as well. Ellis offers insight into what parents can expect from the procedure and the few months after it.

child getting fed through a feeding tube

What to expect before the procedure

Ishan had an NG tube for a longer period than typical, says Ellis. Running after an active toddler to replace the tube whenever it fell out was a constant struggle. Since birth, Ishan has struggled with eating due to gastrointestinal issues and silently aspirating. He was often sick, didn’t eat age-appropriate amounts and was slow to gain weight. His parents pushed Ishan’s providers to consider a G-tube, but they were told their son might grow out of his feeding issues.

At this stage of the PFD journey, Ellis says following your instinct as a parent is essential to advocating for your child’s needs. “They wanted to blow everything off as normal parenting or a simple therapy issue, but knowing as a parent that there continues to be something wrong means you have to keep pushing,” she says.

What gave Ellis clarity, she says, was knowing they were trying hard enough. “He was doing his best, we were doing our best, but still, something was not quite right.”

What to expect during the G-tube procedure and recovery

For Ellis, the hardest part of the G-tube procedure was knowing it was elective surgery that required hospitalization. By the time Ishan was scheduled for surgery, Ellis knew it was necessary, but she still felt they had made a choice. Ishan’s procedure and recovery both went smoothly.

Like most kids, Ishan spent one night in the hospital. Ellis says he did experience some pain that first and second day. Ishan received pain medication and lots of TLC. They held him the whole time at the hospital and watched his favorite programs.

By day three and four, Ishan was back to running around and doing his typical gymnastics flips. He returned to his normal toddler antics in less than a week. “Kids are resilient, but we tried to hold him back from too much activity right after surgery,” she says.

For two weeks, Ishan had to skip his baths and only have sponge baths. In general, swimming in the pool or ocean tends to be okay, but lakes and rivers can be problematic.

Watch the skin around the G-tube because that can start to look angry and red initially. You can learn more about feeding tube care using What You Need to Know Now: A Parent’s Introduction to Tube Feeding. This resource, also provided in Spanish, was provided by the Feeding Tube Awareness Foundation with permissions to share.

What to expect in the months after a G-tube procedure

a child with blond hair and a feeding tube smiling while walking in front of their mom

Adjusting to G-tube feedings takes some trial and error for parents and kids. Even months later, G-tube feeding requires adjustments when a child is less hungry due to an illness or more hungry due to a growth spurt. In the beginning, says Ellis, it’s important to go low and go slow with feeds.

At first, Ishan hesitated to let anyone touch his stomach, so his parents made buttons for his favorite stuffed animals. They fashioned these themselves, but you can also buy them. Ellis showed Ishan how opening and closing the button doesn’t hurt. They spent a lot of time talking about the button and getting used to it before diving into feeding.

Ellis also spent some time getting used to feeding her son through the tube. Overfeeding can cause vomiting or an upset stomach. She keeps a towel in the car in case of any incidents. “It’s hard to guess how much a toddler wants to eat. It’s never a perfect science,” she says.

Ellis offers three tips for G-tube feeding

  1. Find the formula your child tolerates best. Like baby formula, G-tube formulas come with different ingredients. The Ellis family found that the vegan formula has been better for Ishan than the milk formula.
  2. Stay consistent with oral feeding when applicable. Ishan eats orally two times a day. They do this before tube feeding so that his stomach isn’t full.
  3. Use a backpack. Cute feeding backpacks allow busy toddlers to run around independently during feeding sessions. Ellis tapes the tubing to the back of Ishan’s shirt or pants so it doesn’t come out while he’s running around.

These days, Ishan is happily playing and growing, and his parents are confident they made the right decision to get a G-tube. Ellis says it’s helpful to consider the G-tube feeding experience with PFD more like a marathon than a sprint. This can be harder for parents than kids, who tend to be more resilient. “As long as the kid is pretty happy and healthy, we’re the ones who are more stressed,” she says.

For more support in your G-tube or pediatric feeding disorder journey, check out our peer-to-peer mentoring program.

Getting the most out of feeding therapy for PFD: A step-by-step guide to finding the right pediatric feeding therapist

Published by Nicole Williams, OTD-OTR-L, at Desert Valley Pediatric Therapy in Arizona on Feb 15, 2024

When your child needs feeding therapy for pediatric feeding disorder (PFD), navigating the system to access treatment can be challenging. If your pediatrician recommends feeding therapy, the following are some tips for how to find the right match.

Understand the role of feeding therapists

Feeding therapy requires additional training that neither pediatric speech and language pathologists (SLP) nor occupational therapists (OT) typically learn in graduate school. Look for a clinician who has obtained this additional training and has been mentored by another experienced feeding therapist.

therapist and child sitting across from each other smiling and interacting

Both SLPs and OTs can be qualified to provide feeding therapy. There are times when one discipline is better equipped to support your child than the other.

SLPs have extensive knowledge of swallowing, chewing and the oral motor part of feeding therapy. If your main concern for your child is choking or chewing, speech therapists are best equipped to help.

An OT is an expert in sensory issues and texture aversions. If the feeling of food in your child’s mouth, combining foods or picky eating are the issues, look for support from an OT.

Even in the initial feeding therapy evaluation, you might want to request one specialty over the other. If you’re unsure, let the intake team know your feeding concerns. They should be able to match you with the right therapist.

Check your insurance benefits

In many cases when a child needs feeding therapy, the referring physician will not indicate whether the therapist should be an SLP or an OT. In some cases, though, your insurance will specify coverage for one or the other. It’s a good idea to understand your benefits before requesting a therapy intake evaluation.

Set expectations from the start

To get the most out of feeding therapy, share your goals from the start. Even during the initial evaluation, it’s important that you and your child’s therapist have aligned goals. For example, if your child responds to a specific approach or personality, be sure to share that. In many cases, therapists can adjust to match your child’s needs. Part of the therapeutic use of self is learning to gauge and meet children where they are.

Feeding therapists have to be flexible. This means goals should be fluid from the start. If your child isn’t reaching their therapy goals, it’s time to adjust them. If your child has a setback, like a hospitalization, you may need to change your goals entirely.

Find out how to be a partner at home

As feeding therapists, we only have one hour a week to work with a child. That’s why we typically ask parents to join us during sessions so you can continue the therapy at home. As much as parents need breaks built into the schedule, therapy is not the ideal time.

hands of adult and child, touching foods to explore textures together Expect collaboration

From the start, feeding therapy is collaborative. During the initial evaluation, you’ll set goals and therapy expectations together with the therapist. You should also expect your therapist to work closely with any other clinicians who support your child.

Know that feeding therapy is not linear

Unlike the progress you might see in speech therapy, for example, feeding therapy tends to progress at a slower pace. Overall, you’ll want to see an upward trajectory of progress in feeding therapy, but it’s normal for your child to have ups and downs. What you don’t want to see is a plateau over time.

Don’t be surprised if it takes time to see progress in feeding therapy. Some kids are slow to build rapport and feel comfortable with a therapist. If your therapist is answering your questions, being collaborative and is confident in their approach, be patient.

Don’t be afraid to pivot if it’s not working out

If you’re not seeing positive progress over time or if your child’s feeding therapist isn’t a good fit, be sure to raise these concerns. In many cases, the feeding therapist can make improvements.

If results don’t improve, your child may need support from another therapist. Try switching therapists to see how your child responds. If that doesn’t help, your child may need support from another discipline entirely –– such as a gastroenterologist or a psychologist.

Consider the following questions and answers for a potential feeding therapist:

Q: How long have you been seeing and treating children with pediatric feeding disorder?
A: Look for someone with at least a few years of experience.

Q: Are you familiar with the Pediatric Feeding Disorder Consensus Definition and Conceptual Framework article published in the Journal of Pediatric Gastroenterology and Nutrition?
A: If not, look for someone willing to read the article.

baby being spoon-fed

Q: Do you have specific education and training regarding pediatric feeding disorder?
A: Look for someone who has additional training to understand the issues.

When therapists finish school, they usually don’t just jump into feeding therapy. Feeding is a specialty within speech therapy and occupational therapy that requires additional training and guidance under an experienced feeding therapist.

Q: Have you seen a child who’s had a similar experience?

A: Finding a therapist familiar with your child’s specific feeding challenges is important. Don’t be afraid to ask this specifically to be sure you’re comfortable with the answer.

Q: Describe your overall approach to pediatric feeding disorder.

A: Look for someone who understands the medical, nutrition, feeding skill and psychosocial domains and is willing to collaborate with a multidisciplinary team.

Q: How do you determine if a child is growing well?
A: Look for someone who follows your child’s growth pattern, not just a standard growth chart.

Q: How do you share the results of diagnostic testing, treatment goals, and other information with me and other providers treating my child?
A: Look for a practitioner who partners with professionals in other disciplines and keeps open lines of communication with them as well as with you. Make sure they are willing to provide you with copies of reports and take the time to go over reports with you.

A story of triumph over pediatric feeding disorder

Published by Feeding Matters on

The way pediatric feeding disorder (PFD) manifests in each child is as varied as the children themselves. But so many stories of parenting children with PFD are the same.

An infant struggles to feed and gain weight. Parents work tirelessly to feed their children and juggle medical visits. They search in the dark for a diagnosis of a complex problem they don’t understand, all while feeling alone and at fault.

Raising a child with PFD is a journey that rarely has a final destination. With the right support and care, it does get easier. This is the story of one mom of a son with PFD and how she’s gone from seeking help to supporting others.

One family’s journey with PFD

boy (Julian) smiling while sitting at a table with a bowl of ice cream in front of him

From the start, Erin Avilez’s son, Julian, struggled to breastfeed and gain weight. Her doctors were concerned about her baby’s measurements throughout her pregnancy. When her amniotic sac fluid was low, Avilez was induced at 37 weeks.

Julian was born at 5 pounds and right away had trouble sucking and taking in enough food at each feeding. Avilez switched to bottles, but Julian continued to undereat. “Within the first few months, there were already red flags that he was underweight and not getting enough nutrition,” she says.

Avilez and her husband started by switching formulas to see if Julian had some sensitivity to some ingredients. Still, they didn’t see much weight increase. Things got worse when her pediatrician sent Julian to a pediatric gastroenterologist. “That’s kind of where the horror of the story started,” she says.

Julian’s pediatrician and the GI weren’t communicating or working together and sometimes had different goals. “The GI’s only goal was for Julian to gain weight and cared less about how it affected his feeding,” says Avilez.

Julian got a nasogastric tube (NG tube) at three months old. The increase in calories made him vomit a lot, and he regularly pulled the tube out. Any time he pulled the tube out, Avilez would have to call her husband to come home from work so the two of them could force the tube back in. Insurance only covered a few tubes, making this devastating ritual even more difficult. Julian developed an oral aversion that he never had before and wouldn’t even let his parents touch his face. By seven months, Avilez insisted the NG tube be removed.

When Julian’s GI recommended a gastrostomy feeding tube (G-tube) instead, Avilez knew they needed a second opinion. Julian took some formula and solid foods orally, and Avilez thought they could build on that. A new GI at Phoenix Children’s Hospital agreed.

With a new pediatrician and GI, Julian’s doctors started working on finding a diagnosis. He was also able to join their intensive feeding therapy program. “The new GI doctor we saw listened, and he offered empathy and support,” says Avilez.

When Julian was 3.5, his family finally got a diagnosis of what caused his pediatric feeding disorder. A liquid and a food study showed that he has gastroparesis, a condition where the stomach muscles do not work properly to empty waste.

Now that Julian has a diagnosis, he’s able to take medication to help his gastric delayed emptying, as well as an appetite stimulant. He also drinks Ensure Clear to add more calories to his diet. Julian has an aversion to any formula or dairy because of his early experience with the NG tube.

In the past six months, Julian was finally registered low on the weight chart for the first time. “This is huge for him,” says Avilez.

Still, says Avilez, their struggle is never far from her mind. She dreads visits to the pediatrician when she knows Julian will be weighed. “Even today, a week before his appointments, I start getting stressed out because I know we have to get on the scale,” she says.

Finding support from other families with PFD

Julian was born during the pandemic, and Avilez left her job as a social worker to take care of him and to get to all his appointments. She suffered from postpartum depression and felt overwhelmed, alone and isolated.

“I knew there has to be some type of service out there to help moms like me,” she says.

child wearing a blue hat, smiling while sitting at the table with fries

Avilez searched online and found Feeding Matters. She requested a peer-to-peer mentor and was matched with another mom who shared her experience. That empathy was powerful. “She listened to me. The first time I got off the phone with her, I started crying that somebody understood what I was going through,” says Avilez.

Avilez’s mentor also told her she was doing a great job. “Throughout this process, nobody told me I was doing a good job, not the doctors or anyone on his care team,” she says.

Avilez’s introduction to Feeding Matters was the first time she learned about PFD. “I felt so validated that we weren’t the only ones concerned about not knowing what was going on with our son and not hearing about it from our doctor,” she says.

Today, Avilez is a peer mentor to other parents raising a child with PFD. She’s grateful to have support and to be able to pay it forward. Her hope is that more clinicians and hospitals will inform parents about PFD from the start. “I wish that when you have a child with feeding difficulties, someone from the start would offer resources,” she says.

Key takeaways for supporting your child with PFD

Avilez offers the following advice to parents raising a child with PFD.

  1. Find a supportive care team: If the doctor’s not listening, find a more supportive provider. Having a good team in place makes all the difference.

  1. Trust your instincts: It’s okay to get a second opinion and ask questions. Keep advocating for your child because you know your child best.

  1. Find friends, family or a peer mentor: Find someone who will listen and understand so that you feel less alone.

Why PFD assessment and management vary for each patient and community

Published by Jaclyn Pederson, MHI, chief executive officer on Dec 01, 2023

Reporting on our findings from researching the landscape of pediatric feeding disorder treatment

Every day at Feeding Matters, we hear stories from families and professionals of progress and struggles, of success and setbacks, of those clinicians who helped and of those who faltered.

A zigzag line along an upward trajectory of progress is typical for families of children with pediatric feeding disorder (PFD). The journey is never simple, but it’s much easier with the right support.

Ensuring that more families get the right support from the start underpins every part of our work at Feeding Matters. Whether raising awareness, advocating for better insurance coverage or common terminology, our goal is always to help every family access the feeding care their child needs.

To get there, we need more research.

Building a body of research-based evidence on children’s needs and treatment options is what we can point to when we demand better insurance coverage. Data on education pathways is how we partner with national associations to improve clinical education on feeding as a specialty. And research is how we ensure every child gets the care they need at the right time.

That’s why I’m so excited about the November 2023 study we published in the journal Child: Care, Health and Development, an international, peer-reviewed journal for pediatrics covering children’s health and development. The study, Assessing the US treatment landscape for paediatric feeding disorder: A survey of multidisciplinary providers, documented the data on what options exist for patients with PFD.

None of the findings are shocking. All of it aligned with our expectations of what we hear from families and clinicians in the field. However, data means more than anecdotal experiences when it comes to understanding the landscape of PFD treatment.

Stories move people. But they don’t always move institutions. Data does.

Now that we’ve documented what treatment is happening in communities, we can build on that research with the ultimate goal of improving patient pathways and treatment outcomes.

The goal of assessing the treatment landscape for PFD

Most children with pediatric feeding disorder are treated in the communities where they live – often by occupational therapists (OTs) and speech and language pathologists (SLPs), often through early intervention (EI). Most research about PFD in the U.S. comes from pediatric psychologists working in a small number of institutions providing multidisciplinary treatment for PFD across the United States. Spots in these programs are limited, and waiting lists are long.

This leads to a disconnect between PFD research and the treatment that most PFD patients actually receive. What’s happening on the ground in communities is different from the treatment occurring in multidisciplinary centers –– and from what’s getting researched and published.

Aiming to ensure there is a common terminology and improving treatment through partnering, we knew we needed to start by defining the treatment landscape and building an evidence base. Our goal for the study was to determine the following:

  1. Who is treating children with PFD

  2. What are the treatment interventions

The methodology of assessing the PFD treatment landscape

To determine the landscape for PFD in the U.S. and identify provider and treatment delivery characteristics, we collected primary data through a web-based survey targeting providers from all four PFD domains –– medical, nutritional, feeding skill and/or psychosocial between January 2022 and March 2022.

In total, 815 clinicians completed the survey from January to March 2022. Only those practicing in the U.S. –– 83% –– were included in this study. Clinicians from every U.S. state were represented.

Survey respondents answered 71 questions regarding patient, provider and treatment characteristics.

As a follow-up to the survey, we conducted focus groups to better understand PFD treatment occurring in communities throughout the U.S.

What we found by researching the PFD treatment landscape

As expected, survey results showed that most PFD treatment occurs at the community level through EI or outpatient feeding therapy rather than in multidisciplinary programs. OTs and SLPs provide most of the feeding therapy through sensory and responsive feeding. These are not well defined treatment interventions or protocols so for the purpose of this study, we defined the two as follows:

Responsive feeding: Focuses on establishing positive feeding relationships and mealtime interactions which honor the child’s autonomy and need for intrinsic motivation to support developmentally appropriate feeding skills and nutritional intake.

Sensory feeding: Use of systematic play-based sensory interventions to promote feeding skills and dietary diversity through graded changes in food properties and presentation.

Tracking progress varies. Goal achievement, caregiver report and clinical judgment represented the most common tracking methods reported across all providers. Less common was the reported use of standardized outcome measures, clinic-specific measures or biospecimen labs.

The most frequent length of PFD treatment was 6–12 months (37.6%), followed by 6 months or less (32.2%).

Roadmap for next steps

What’s clear from this new study and anecdotal evidence is that the relatively new field of treating pediatric feeding disorder lacks best-practice guidelines for assessing and managing PFD or even the tools to help clinicians do so. The absence of guidelines makes the triage process and medical home management for pediatricians challenging as well. Gaining a better understanding of the community treatment landscape can help to identify clearly these practice gaps and inform future research on assessment and treatment.

Achieving our goal to get every child with PFD the care they need at the right time is a massive undertaking. To help us get there, below are our organization’s goals for the next 15 years:

  1. Establish best practices for assessing and managing PFD.

  2. Ensure all children are screened for PFD at well visits.

  3. Ensure children with PFD qualify for early intervention.

  4. Define a specialty pathway for accredited PFD specialists.

  5. PFD qualifies for Early Intervention.

  6. Secure more federal research dollars allocated to funding.

  7. Inclusive insurance coverage.

All of these goals depend on building greater awareness about PFD. Making sure PFD becomes a household name would open doors to more research funding, better insurance coverage and improved care.

Researching the landscape of PFD treatment underscores just how much work there is to do to ensure children with PFD get the care they need. It’s also the first step in getting there.

When holidays are more hungry than happy

Published by Gabi Lake on Nov 16, 2023

**TW: Eating disorders. Author has been in recovery for 15 years, and is speaking to her story as someone who has overcome it.

The holiday season is meant to be joyful, hopeful, filled with generosity and love. In particular, I’m sure one core association to the holidays is gathering around a bountiful table with your loved ones. It’s special and something most of us look forward to, maybe even spend months planning in advance.

As a recovering anorexic, I can tell you that this cherished mealtime tradition can bring on some less-than-joyful experiences. While eating disorders are separate from pediatric feeding disorders, there are areas of overlap – primarily that of the psychosocial domain. That is what I will speak to here.

I have a vivid memory of Thanksgiving 2008, when I was just fifteen. My mom spent the whole day (as one does) in the kitchen, making a beautifully roasted turkey, rolls, green bean casserole, all the fixings. And, mashed potatoes – a food that I labeled as “too fatty,” one that I simply would not allow myself to indulge in.

I sat with my family at the dinner table, having the small amount of foods that I deemed as “safe” on my plate. Everyone was talking, laughing, enjoying – except for me. I spent the entire meal – actually, the entire day, and the day before, and the day before that – thinking about the food. How I’d make it through this meal without unraveling. I was so consumed with anxiety around a meal that was supposed to be exactly the opposite. In this way, I completely understand what children with pediatric feeding disorder (PFD) go through.

family gathered around a table full of food

I share this to build up empathy and as a reminder to all that holiday mealtimes can be challenging. Here are some suggestions I have to help your loved one who struggles with eating to maybe make their holiday experience more joyful:

• Take pressure off the meal – Find/plan other ways for them to engage with the family without the food being the “main event”

• Allow for adaptations – For children with PFD, they may need to have alternative foods served to help them stay at the table

• Let them know they’re not alone – It can be easy to feel like you’re struggling in a way no one understands. You know your child best; find a way to connect with them and remind them on anxiety-filled days that you are there for them and see their struggle.

**These suggestions should not overrule the specifications of the child’s needs according to their doctors, nutritionists, professional supports.

May your holidays be happy, your bellies be full, and your hearts even fuller.

Feeding questionnaire a springboard for physical therapy needs

Published by Karen Crilly, PT DPT, Advanced clinical specialist at Texas Children’s Hospital on Oct 20, 2023

How one physical therapist uses the Infant and Child Feeding Questionnaire to identify a child’s areas of need and how she can help

woman with brown hair smiling

Feeding challenges never occur in a vacuum. While I’m neither a speech therapist or a feeding therapist, the Infant and Child Feeding Questionnaire® (ICFQ©) from Feeding Matters remains one of my most important assessment tools in my initial encounters with new patients.

The ICFQ was authored in partnership with internationally renowned thought leaders representing multiple disciplines related to feeding. It’s an age-specific tool designed to identify potential feeding concerns and facilitate discussion with all members of the child’s healthcare team – including physical therapists (PT).

Based on the caregivers’ responses to six questions, the ICFQ has been shown to accurately identify and differentiate pediatric feeding disorder (PFD) from picky eating in children 0-4.

Using the feeding questionnaire as a physical therapist

Whenever I meet with a new PT pediatric patient at Texas Children’s Hospital, I spend the first session speaking to the family to determine how we can help the whole child.

For example, I recently was working with a family in the plagiocephaly – head-shaping – clinic at Texas Children’s. When I asked the parent about feeding, she responded that the baby just won’t stay still to eat. That response led me to ask more questions about feeding. I learned the baby has torticollis – tightness of neck muscle that causes the baby to turn to one side. Plus, the baby was dysregulated, which could mean a neurological issue. I asked about reflux, which could be a gastrointestinal issue. I knew how to help in some areas as a PT, and I knew to refer the family to an occupational therapist and a speech pathologist.

I can’t even describe how relieved this parent was. When it came to feeding, everyone else had simply told her to “keep trying.”

While physical therapy focuses on a child’s functional mobility, no movement’s isolated from the rest of a child’s health. Movement takes mental and physical regulation. An infant requires proper nutrition to perform at their highest level. A child without enough calories doesn’t have the necessary energy to make the most progress in physical therapy – or any other therapy, for that matter.

6 feeding questions that help me identify physical therapy patients’ needs

There are six basic questions on the ICFQ that clinicians identify when a child has a feeding issue. As a physical therapist, responses to the questions highlight issues around endurance, function level and the parent’s understanding of the child’s needs.

Following are the six questions and how the responses help me as a physical therapist.

  1. Does your child let you know when he/she is hungry?

This question gives me insight into how well parents understand their child’s communication cues. Recognizing an infant’s or nonverbal child’s cues allows parents to know when a child is hungry, uncomfortable or tired. This communication is essential to the parent’s ability to do PT exercises at home.

  1. Do you think your baby/child eats enough?

Often, the responses to this question are cultural. Among the patients I see at Texas Children’s, I find some cultures expect babies and children to eat more than others. This is an opportunity to educate parents about what is typical. For those babies and children not getting enough nutrition, it’s a chance to refer them to specialists who can help.

  1. Do you have to do anything special to help your baby/child eat?

This question helps me gauge a baby’s stamina level. The baby may be having trouble coordinating breathing with swallowing. This tells me that in physical therapy, I need to work on the baby’s ability to open her chest out wide and back in. The goal is to increase the baby’s endurance to work for 30 minutes of exercise. That causes fatigue at the time, but it actually builds stamina for later.

A baby who doesn’t have the endurance to finish feeding isn’t likely to have the energy to make as much progress in physical therapy. This makes getting more calories into the baby especially relevant for PT.

child holding up a fork with broccoli on it and smiling
  1. Do you have to do anything special to help your baby/child eat?

This question helps me determine when a baby is dysregulated. It means I need to refer to a specialist who can help the family uncover why feeding isn’t typical.

In physical therapy, I’ll determine whether the child needs to work on muscle retraction. This is one of the issues I see often in infants, especially, and sometimes even older children who are having trouble feeding. Retraction takes them away from their midline without being able to find their center again easily. This makes it difficult to eat.

As a physical therapist, I’ll work with the baby on midline rotation. We work on coordinating the movement of opening and closing the arms and chest. The baby’s shoulders should expand back and then be able to come back to center. The baby should be able to find his flexion and make symmetrical motions in the upper and lower body.

Working on the body in this way can improve feeding, supporting the therapy that speech pathologists and occupational therapists are doing as well.

  1. Does your baby/child let you know when he is full?

When a baby is not recognizing fullness, this indicates there might be a chronic condition. Once full, a baby should cry, turn the head, push away the breast or bottle or spit out milk. But if a baby just keeps eating, this is a cue that the family needs a referral to a specialist.

As a physical therapist, it helps me identify a baby’s level of function.

  1. Based on the questions above, do you have concerns about your baby/child’s feeding?

Responses to this final question provide an opportunity for education. I’ll know how much information I should give parents on typical development for their child’s age and stage.

It’s also an opportunity to encourage parents who need a referral to go ahead and make that appointment.

As physical therapists, we’re not just looking at the legs and the feet. Treating our patients means treating the whole patient.

Knowing how a child is feeding doesn’t only alert me to a patient’s nutrition needs. It helps me identify other issues a child might be experiencing. Each question in the ICFQ paints a picture of the whole child’s needs.

Karen Crilly, PT, DPT, MAPT, CBIS, is an advanced clinical specialist at Texas Children’s Hospital who has dedicated her professional life to forming a strong background and expertise in the assessment and treatment of infants and children with chronic and complex developmental and/or neuro-motor impairment.