A message from Garrett Barnes, dad to Lucy

Published by Garrett Barnes on Nov 09, 2022

Dear Friends of Feeding Matters,

My name is Garrett Barnes and I’m a father to three amazing girls, including Lucy who has pediatric feeding disorder (PFD). I am also an ardent supporter of Feeding Matters and fierce advocate for PFD. Jaclyn asked me to guest write a letter to all of you while she is out on maternity leave. With it being November, I wanted to start by talking about gratitude. I am amazed and grateful for the work that has been accomplished to advance the field for PFD and better support families. 8 years ago, we were without hope. Lucy was vomiting daily, without any oral intake, and we could not see any light or end to it.

One evening, I found Feeding Matters online and placed a call that changed everything. Immediately, we found support and a partner in our journey. This one moment changed our whole family’s journey, but most importantly gave us hope to keep fighting.

Fast forward to one year ago today when we successfully removed Lucy’s G-Tube. Lucy was eating enough to not need it any longer. She is healthy and happy and now, healthy and happy without her tube. She plays goalie for competition soccer, is mastering piano, and being a big sister to Alice and Ivy, or according to her… “my 8 year old twins”.

It takes a village, and we are in gratitude for Feeding Matters and the hope, encouragement, and support we received. It was a tough journey, and without that support, we do not know how we could have done it. As you sit down with your family to eat this holiday season remember all the children who can’t and all the families struggling to find hope in their feeding journey.

For families just beginning on the long journey of PFD, please know that support is out there. Because of the generous donors and community supporters, Feeding Matters can help.

Every child is unique and different. Feeding Matters understands this, and through the Power of Two program can pair you with a mentor that is best suited for you.

We are grateful for the staff and Goldwater family. Their commitment to assure PFD is understood, supported, and recognized. We are excited for the future and are in deep appreciation. Life has done a complete turn for us, as Lucy is able to enjoy an oral meal every day with us as a family at the table. If you would like to see her journey, feel free to watch Feeding Matter’s Lucy update video by clicking here.

Whether you are a donor, community supporter, family, or professional. I thank you on behalf of all parents just like me.

In gratitude,
Garrett Barnes